What is The Wine Century Club?
The Wine Century Club is for adventurous wine lovers worldwide. If you’ve tasted at least 100 different grape varieties, you’re qualified to become a member (click here for more information). If you haven’t tried 100 different grape varieties, but are interested in the concept, you’re welcome to all of our events. Please join us in promoting the awareness of uncommon wine grape varieties. We currently have 1,961 members worldwide.
Uncommon Grape Varieties?
The common grape varieties are typically considered the “big six”: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Riesling. Does that mean Chenin Blanc, Sangiovese and Syrah are considered exotic? No, but when you really get down to it, every wine grape variety is considered ordinary or typical in some part of the world, which makes trying “uncommon” wine grape varieties all the more fun: you can be transported to a faraway place with just a sip!
We Are:
- People who enjoy wine
- Wine adventurers
- Consumers and promoters of uncommon wine grape varieties
We Are Not:
- Wine Snobs
- Advocates of single varietal wines (Although we like single varietal wines, we don’t favor them over wines blended from several different grape varieties – there are simply too many great blends!)
- Anti-Chardonnay
- Anti-Merlot (Pass the Petrus, please!)