3rd Birthday Party
It’s time again for the Wine Century Club’s annual party in New York City. It looks like a great event this year as fellow Centurian Jimmy Carbone is letting us use his restaurant – Jimmy’s No. 43 – as our clubhouse for the evening. Jimmy’s No. 43 was just awarded a Snail from the Slow Food Association which means everything is local and organic in addition to being delicious. His rising star young chef, Philip Kirschen-Clark (formerly of WD-50) will be preparing a variety of small plates for a wine pairing extravaganza. There will be a variety of vegetarian and fish options among the small plates for our veggy and pescy members.
BYOB a bottle of something interesting, delicious and possibly slow.
Jimmy’s No. 43
43 East 7th Street Downstairs
New York City
Time: 7 PM
Date: Monday, April 14th
Cost: $75 includes tax, tip and a glass of bubbly.
RSVP: Please purchase tickets in advance at
Wine Century Club 3rd Birthday Dinner Attendees:
My wife, Diane, and I plan to arrive at Jimmy’s No. 43 at about 6:00 PM. We hope to meet other WCC attendees for interesting conversation, some delicious wines and a convivial time prior to the dinner at 7:00 PM. Steve De Long e-mailed to say he would arrive by 6:00 PM.
Diane and I are taking the Amtrak train to NYC from Baltimore on Monday afternoon and we will be taking the train back to Baltimore on the 10:05 PM train. Thus we will need to leave the dinner early. We had a great time at the WCC 2nd Birthday event last year.
Mark and Diane Freeland
Baltimore, Maryland
WCC members,
I’m driving down from Albany! I’m excited to meet everyone and I’ve got some bottles of Rkatsiteli.
Kathleen Lisson
Congratulations on the Wine Century Club’s 3rd birthday! I would so love to be there with you and all the members that are attending tonight. Have a really great evening. Lots of love, your very proud wife.
Steve, sorry that I could not attend but I trust everyone had a great time and tasted something ‘slow.’ I understand that my usual date’s significant other got the tasting down and won something. I would have loved to have seen that. All the best to the Wine Century members and I hope to see you at the next event.
p.s. post some photographs already!